
Wetenschappelijke artikelen

Knibbe, M., Raap, S., & Horstman, K. (2025). Citizen Participation in Health City-Making: An Analysis of Infrastructural Work and Hostilities in a Low-Income City Area. Social Inclusion.
Stoli, N., Horstman, K., & Zvonareva, O. (2025). “We Know Best Because Our Skin Is in the Game”: Doing Politics Through DIY Pharmaceuticals. Social Inclusion, 13.
Knibbe, M., Azghari, Y., Van Beelen, A., Van den Berg, L., Besteman, F., Jurrius, K., … Horstman, K. (2024). Landscapes, cultures and technologies of loneliness: A call for participatory research with young adults. Public Health, 147–149.
'Knibbe, M., & Klasien Horstman. (2024). Werk van burgers zichtbaar maken. Sociaal Bestek, 2024.
Yang, R., Penders, B., & Horstman, Klasien. (2024). Connecting efficiency and responsiveness in China: public sentiments and stakeholder perspectives towards COVID-19 crisis governance. Disasters.
Horstman, K., & Dijkstra, I. (2024). De constructie van een domme doelgroep''. Gezondheidsongelijkheid en epistemisch onrecht in de publieke gezondheidszorg. Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidszorg En Ethiek, 34.
Raap, S., Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2024). Representing Neighborhood Health: Exploring Citizen Science as a Democratic Force. Citizen Science. Theory and Practice., 9.
Biermann-Teuscher, D., Thissen, L., Horstman, K., & Meershoek, A. (2024). Safety: A collective and embedded competency. An ethnographic study of safety practices at an industrial workplace in the Netherlands”. Journal of Safety Research, 88, 93–102.
Zanden, van der, B. A. M., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., & Horstman, K. (2024). European policies for public health in border regions: no European mindset as yet. BMC Public Health.
Denisova, M., Zvonareva, O., & Horstman, K. (2024). To dwell or drown? Private clinics in the swampy infrastructure of cancer care in Russia. Social Science & Medicine. Qualitative Research in Health, 5.
Thissen, L., Biermann-Teuscher, D., Horstman, K., & Meershoek, A. (2023). (un)beloning at work: an overlooked ingredient of workplace health. Health Promotion Int.
Horstman, K., & Knibbe, M. (2023). Publieke ruime als sociale riolering. Sociaal Bestek. Tijdschrift Voor Werk, Inkomen En Zorg.
Knibbe, M., & Horstman, Klasien. (2023). Pleidooi voor een publieke ethiek van gezondheidsbevordering. Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidszorg En Ethiek, 33, 60–64.
Dijkstra, I., & Horstman, K. (2023). Clarifying how social epidemiological research constructs the category of low socioeconomic status: A response to Kamphuis et al.. Social Science and Medicine.
Temina, O., Zvonareva, O., & Horstman, K. (2023). Patients’ work and fluid trajectories: Access to medicines for oncological and rare diseases in Russia. Social Science and Medicine.
Kamenshchikova, A., Wolffs, P. F. G., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., Penders, J., & Horstman, K. (2023). Metaphors of foreign strangers: antimicrobial resistance in biomedical discourses. Science as Culture.
Horstman, K., & Knibbe, M. (2022). Publieke ruimte die gezondheidsverschillen vermindert. Sociale Vraagstukken.
Raap, S., Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2022). Making health public: a philosophy café in a disadvantaged neighbourhood. Health Promotion International, daab206.
Onaiyekan, P., O., Passos, V., L., & Horstman, K. (2022). A Look at Cycling Safety in a Southern Municipality of the Netherlands. Cureus, 14.
Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2022). Overcoming the tragedy of the commons. Collective practices for a healthy city ecology in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Health & Place.
Yang, R., Horstman, K., & Penders, B. (2022). Stakeholder perspectives on infant formula safety governance in China: a decade after the melamine crisis. Food, Culture & Society, 25, 70–88.
Raap, S., Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2022). Clean Spaces, Community Building, and Urban Stage: the Coproduction of Health and Parks in Low-Income Neighborhoods. Journal of Urban Helath.
Yang, R., Horstman, K., & Penders, B. (2022). Constructing the accountability of food safety as a public problem in China: a document analysis of Chinese scholarship, 2008–2018. Journal of Chinese Governance, 7, 236–265.
Dieminger, L., Kamenshchikova, A., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., & Horstman, K. (2022). Perspectives of public health professionals on border control practices for COVID-19 management in Europe. Public Health.
Raap, S., Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2021). Caring neighbourhoods: maintaining collective care under neoliberal care reforms. European Journal of Social Work, 1–13.
Hanssen, P, Nieuwhof, C, Mens, S. van, Plas, A. van den, & Horstman, K. (2021). Implementing a new antibiotic allergy protocol in clinical practice: well-trusted but not used. JAC Antomicrobial Resistance.
Kamenshchikova, A., Wolffs, P. F. G., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., Penders, J., Park, H. Y., Kambale, M. S., & Horstman, K. (2021). Combining stool and stories: exploring antimicrobial resistance among a longitudinal cohort of international health students. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21, 1008.
Kamenshchikova, A., Fedotova, M. M., Fedorova, O. S., Fedosenko, S. V., Wolffs, P. F. G., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., & Horstman, K. (2021). Obligatory medical prescription of antibiotics in Russia: Navigating formal and informal health‐care infrastructures. Sociology of Health & Illness, 43, 353–368.
Teuscher-Bierman, D., Fermin, B., Horstman, K., Meershoek, A., & Thissen, L. (2021). Een etnografisch-participatieve basis voor vitaliteitsbeleid. Gezondheid met de Werkvloer. Sociaal Bestek. Tijdschrift Voor Werk, Inkomen En Zorg.
Cadena-Camargo, Y., Krumeich, A., Duque-Páramo, M. C., & Horstman, K. (2021). Identity struggles during resettlement: An ethnographic approach of internally displaced adolescent mothers in Bogotá. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34, 890–914.
Yang, R., Penders, B., & Horstman, K. (2020). Vaccine Hesitancy in China: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives. Vaccines, 8, 650.
Lall, D., Engel, N., Devadasan, N., Horstman, K., & Criel, B. (2020). Team-based primary health care for non-communicable diseases: complexities in South India. Health Policy and Planning, 35, ii22–ii34.
Cadena-Camargo, Y., Krumeich, A., Duque-Páramo, M. C., & Horstman, K. (2020). Experiences of pregnancy in adolescence of internally displaced women in Bogotá: an ethnographic approach. Reproductive Health, 17, 31.
Lall, D., Engel, N., Srinivasan, P. N., Devadasan, N., Horstman, K., & Criel, B. (2020). Improving primary care for diabetes and hypertension: findings from implementation research in rural South India. BMJ Open, 10, e040271.
Kamenshchikova, A., Wolffs, P. F. G., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., & Horstman, K. (2020). Transdisciplinary work against antimicrobial resistance. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20, 526–527.
Wolters, A., de Wert, G., van Schayck, O. C. P., & Horstman, K. (2020). Invisible work, actors, and knowledge: An analysis of a clinical trial for a vaccine to stop smoking. BioSocieties, 15, 1–27.
Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2020). Constructing democratic participation in welfare transitions: An analysis of narrative interactions. Health Expectations, 23, 84–95.
Moes, F., Houwaart, E., Delnoij, D., & Horstman, K. (2020). Questions regarding 'epistemic injustice' in knowledge-intensive policymaking: Two examples from Dutch health insurance policy. Social Science & Medicine, 245, 112674.
Yang, R., Penders, B., & Horstman, K. (2019). Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in China: A Scoping Review of Chinese Scholarship. Vaccines, 8, 2.
Kamenshchikova, A., Wolffs, P. F. . G., Hoebe, C. J. P. A., & Horstman, K. (2019). Anthropocentric framings of One Health: an analysis of international antimicrobial resistance policy documents. Critical Public Health, 1–10.
Abrishami, P., Boer, A., & Horstman, K. (2019). When the Evidence Basis Breeds Controversies: Exploring the Value Profile of Robotic Surgery Beyond the Early Introduction Phase. Medical Care Research and Review, 107755871983279.
Cadena-Camargo, Y., Krumeich, A., Duque-Páramo, M. C., & Horstman, K. (2019). 'We just been forced to do it': exploring victimization and agency among internally displaced young mothers in Bogotá. Conflict and Health, 13, 21.
Lall, D., Engel, N., Devadasan, N., Horstman, K., & Criel, B. (2019). Challenges in primary care for diabetes and hypertension: an observational study of the Kolar district in rural India. BMC Health Services Research, 19, 44.
Moes, F., Houwaart, E., Delnoij, D., & Horstman, K. (2019). Collective constructions of 'waste': epistemic practices for disinvestment in the context of Dutch social health insurance. BMC Health Services Research, 19, 633.
Moes, F. B., Houwaart, E. S., Delnoij, D. M. J., & Horstman, K. (2019). "Strangers in the ER": Quality indicators and third party interference in Dutch emergency care. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25, 390–397.
Hees, S. van, Horstman, K., Jansen, M., & Ruwaard, D. (2019). Betekenissen van “levensloopbestendige buurten”: streven naar maakbaarheid versus gehecht zijn aan een plek. Mens en Maatschappij, 93, 422–425.