Audrey Hensels, Public Youth Health Care: outgrowing inequity. A participative action research study.
Promotieonderzoek arts maatschappij en gezondheid
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Christian Hoebe, Prof. Dr Klasien Horstman, Dr. Rianne Reijs
llse Dijkstra, Making up (un)healthy people: Unpacking the scientific engines of health inequalities
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Bart Penders
Brigitte van der Zanden, Cross border collaborative practices in public health.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. C.Hoebe, Prof. Dr. K.Horstman
Natasia Stoli, Public participation and informality in global drug development: DIY practices extricating participation.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Olga Zvonareva
Mariia Denisova, Private clinics navigating markets and politics in Russia: informal and formal epistemic work.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Olga Zvonareva
Olga Temina, Navigating access to health care in Russia: patient organisations, markets and politics.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Olga Zvonareva
Annemarie Niekamp, The sexual subculture and network of swingers and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. C.Hoebe, Prof. Dr. K.Horstman
Sanne Raap, Making health public in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Mare Knibbe
17 april 2025
Lucie Bastiaens, Lokale context als kompas. Publieke gezondheidszorg in Maastricht 1900-1940
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Eddy Houwaart, Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman
9 March 2022
Dorothy Lall, Primary care for chronic conditions in rural India: Towards a person -centred model of care.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. B.Criel, ITG Antwerpen, Dr.N.Engel, Dr. N.Devadasan
21 October 2020
Alena Kamenshchikova, Resistant bacteria in society: Travelling through practices of policy, healthcare and science.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. C.G.Hoebe, Dr. P.Wolffs
5 October 2020
Yang Ronghui, Public accountability in public health in China: managing food and vaccine safety incidents.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Dr.B.Penders
18 March 2020
Yazmin M.L. Cadena Camargo, Medical risks or complex narratives? Using life-stories of internally displaced adolescent mothers in Bogota to put policies in perspective.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K. Horstman, Prof. Dr.A. Krumeich, Dr. M. C. Duque
8 March 2019
Floortje Moes, Experts and Idiots. An Ethnography of Epistemic Practices in Dutch Social Health Insurance.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. E.Houwaart, Prof. Dr. D.Delnoij
2 February 2018
Payam A. Shirazi, Public value of medical innovations. A quest for all (seasons)?
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. B.Boer
19 December 2017
Susan van Hees, The making of ageing-in-place: Perspectives on a Dutch social policy towards lifecycle-robust neighbourhoods.
Thesis advors: Prof. Dr. D.Ruwaard, Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. M.Jansen
30 October 2017
Anna Wolters, The vaccinisation of ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles? Vaccines to stop smoking: a study into responsible research and innovation.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Onno van Schayck, Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Prof. Dr. Guide de Wert
20 June 2017
Alana Helberg-Proctor, (Un)doing ethnicity: analyses of the socio-scientific production of ‘ethnicity’ in health research in the Netherlands.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. K.Horstman, Dr. A.Krumeich, Dr. A.Meershoek
14 December 2016
Marjolein de Boer Extended bodies. An empirical philosophical study to women’s bodily experiences in breast cancer.
Thesis advisors: Prof. K.Horstman, prof. E.Houwaart, Dr. J.Slatman
5 December 2016
Olga Zvonareva Pharmapolitics in Russia: making drugs and (re)building the nation.
Thesis advisors: Prof. K.Horstman, Dr. A.Krumeich, Dr. N.Engel
15 June 2016
Patricia Jaspers, Understanding struggles in medical ethical review. Practices of Trust and Accountability.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Dr. Rob Houtepen
7 November 2015
Inge Lecluijze, The wrong tool for the job. The introduction of the child Index in Dutch child. welfare.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. Klasien Horstman, Prof Dr. Frans Feron, Dr. Bart Penders
20 December 2013
Els Geelen, Making genetics not so important: families dealing with genetic testing for a familial heart disease.
Thesis advisors: Prof.Dr.Klasien Horstman, Prof. Dr. Ine van Hoywegen
18 December 2013
Mary Hadley, Global standards, local practices. An argument for contextual policy-making, design of interventions and policy evaluation.
Thesis advisors: Prof.Dr.Klasien Horstman, Dr. Anja Krumeich, Dr. Bart Penders
27 November 2013
Lineke van Hal, Working on activation. Analyses of stories about vocational rehabilitation of people with disabilities in The Netherlands.
Thesis advisors: Prof.Dr.Klasien Horstman, Prof. Dr. Frans Nijhuis, Dr. Agnes Meershoek
12 September 2012
David Townend, The Politeness of Data Protection: Exploring a Legal Instrument to Regulate Medical Research Using Genetic Information and Biobanking (cum laude).
Thesis advisors: Prof.Dr. Klasien Horstman, Prof.Dr. H.Nys
5 February 2010
Erik Aarden, Genetics, solidarity and responsibility: an international comparative study on the dilemmas of genetics and insurance in health care insurance.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr.K.Horstman, Dr. I. van Hoyweghen.
28 November 2008
Mechteld Hanna Derksen, Engineering flesh. Towards professional responsibility for lived bodies. (Technical University Eindhoven)
Thesis advisors: Prof.Dr.K.Horstman, Prof.Dr.Ir. F.P.T.Baaijens, Prof. Dr.Ir. A.W.M Meijers, Dr.C.V.C Bouten
1 October 2008
Bart Penders, Seeking health, finding healths. The politics of large scale nutrigenomics sciences.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr.R.Vos, Prof. Dr. K.Horstman
19 February 2004
Ine van Hoyweghen, Making risks. Travelling through life insurance and genetics (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium).
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. R. Schepers, Prof. Dr. K.Horstman
20 December 2002
Loes Kater, Disciplines met dadendrang. Gezondheidsethiek en gezondheidsrecht in het Nederlandse euthanasiedebat 1960-1994.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr.G.Widdershoven, Prof. Dr. C. Spreeuwenberg, Prof.Dr.K.Horstman, Dr.R.Houtepen
23 November 2001
Marianne Potting, Van je familie. Zorg, familie en sekse in de mantelzorg.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. R.Vos, Dr.K.Horstman
15 September 2000
Antoinette de Bont, De organisatie van een virus. Over de wereldgezondheidsorganisatie wetenschap en transnationale gezondheidspolitiek.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. L.Boon, Dr.K.Horstman
11 May 2000
Saskia van der Lyke, Georganiseerde liefde. Publieke bemoeienis met zorg in de privésfeer.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr.H.Maarse, Prof. Dr.H.Philipsen, Dr.K.Horstman
30 January 1998
Irma van der Ploeg, Prosthetic Bodies. Female embodiment in reproductive technologies.
Thesis advisors: Prof. Dr. G. de Vries, Dr.K.Horstman, Prof. Dr. E.V. van Hall,