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Temina, O., Zvonareva, O., & Horstman, K. (2025). Invisible Participation: Patients with Oncological and Rare Diseases in Russia. Science, Technology, & Human Values. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/01622439241310741
Dijkstra, I., Penders, B., & Horstman, K. (2025). How health promotion prevents itself from tackling health inequalities. A critical analysis of Dutch health promotion’s paradigm through its handbooks (1995-2022). Social Science & Medicine. Qualitative Research for Health. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2025.100533
Knibbe, M., Raap, S., & Horstman, K. (2025). Citizen Participation in Health City-Making: An Analysis of Infrastructural Work and Hostilities in a Low-Income City Area. Social Inclusion, 13. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.17645/si.9041
Stoli, N., Horstman, K., & Zvonareva, O. (2025). “We Know Best Because Our Skin Is in the Game”: Doing Politics Through DIY Pharmaceuticals. Social Inclusion, 13. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.17645/si.9037
Knibbe, M., Azghari, Y., Van Beelen, A., Van den Berg, L., Besteman, F., Jurrius, K., … Horstman, K. (2024). Landscapes, cultures and technologies of loneliness: A call for participatory research with young adults. Public Health, 147–149.
'Knibbe, M., & Klasien Horstman. (2024). Werk van burgers zichtbaar maken. Sociaal Bestek, 2024.
Yang, R., Penders, B., & Horstman, Klasien. (2024). Connecting efficiency and responsiveness in China: public sentiments and stakeholder perspectives towards COVID-19 crisis governance. Disasters. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12652
Horstman, K., & Dijkstra, I. (2024). De constructie van een domme doelgroep''. Gezondheidsongelijkheid en epistemisch onrecht in de publieke gezondheidszorg. Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidszorg En Ethiek, 34.
Raap, S., Knibbe, M., & Horstman, K. (2024). Representing Neighborhood Health: Exploring Citizen Science as a Democratic Force. Citizen Science. Theory and Practice., 9. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.722
Biermann-Teuscher, D., Thissen, L., Horstman, K., & Meershoek, A. (2024). Safety: A collective and embedded competency. An ethnographic study of safety practices at an industrial workplace in the Netherlands”. Journal of Safety Research, 88, 93–102.